Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I leave tomorrow morning.

This still feels big, but oddly there's not alot of anticipation; i just want to be there, and have the whole process done. It feels normal to be there.

Saying goodbye at work was hard; a few co-workers cried, i got half a dozen cards signed by everyone, gifts...these people are jewels.
People are jewels, if we're patient enough to wipe off the clay and find out.

I found a new roomie, and her name is Dawn, and she'll be getting there a week and a half after I do.
This is right, I can feel it.
My Dad asked me if there were times I wanted to quit and felt justified in doing so, what would I do. I said stay. unless God gives me new direction, this is what he said, even when it's uncomfortable, or maddening, or stressful. If something never felt that way, I would honestly wonder if it was really what God wanted me to do; of course it's going to be hard, that's why it's worth it.

End of rabbit trails.

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